Articles posted by Webmaster Tijuana


Veneers are the most popular method of improving the look of your smile. Porcelain veneers are translucent, thin laminates specifically made to improve the esthetics of natural teeth, to correct crowding, or to replace composite bonding. Veneers can beautify your smile by improving the color and shape of one or more of your teeth. A

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Blanqueamiento dental Teeth Whitening

Your smile is very important. Often the difference between a good smile and a great smile is the whiteness of the teeth. Typical lifestyle choices as well as the aging process stain and darken your teeth. Things you do on a regular basis such as drinking coffee, tea, cola and red wine or smoking can

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EndodonciaRoot Canals

Root canal therapy (endodontic therapy) is a technique used to save a diseased or damaged tooth.       The alternative to a root canal would be an extraction or removal of the tooth. Treatment requires that the nerve inside the tooth be removed and replaced with a solid filling material that is resistant to

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Odontología pediátricaPediatric Dentistry

Our doctors and staff love children and are specially trained to put them at ease. We teach your children the proper way to take care of their teeth; but just as important, they learn that going to the dentist can be fun. The attitude of care provided at our dental office is always professional. Where

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When you must replace missing teeth, you want something that is going to look and feel as much like your natural teeth as possible. Dental implants represent the state-of-the-art in dental technology, making it possible to restore your smile to its natural state. If you prefer not to have a partial denture or bridge attached

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Placas y removibles Dentures and partials

Dentures are another alternative to tooth replacement. In many instances, dental implants can be used in conjunction with dentures. We offer conventional partials (metal base with acrylic teeth) as metal free partials (Valplast, Lucitone, Megaflex) a lightweight, flexible, and virtually unbreakable denture that almost disappears inside the mouth. Las placas son otra alternativa para reemplazar

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A dental bridge is a fixed (non-removable) appliance and is an excellent way to replace missing teeth. The teeth on either side of the space are covered with crowns (abutment teeth) and an artificial tooth (pontic) is attached to them. Instead of placing a bridge made of porcelain with a metal base, which, years later,

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Obturaciones de resinasComposite Fillings

A composite (tooth colored) filling is used to repair a tooth that is affected by decay, cracks, fractures, etc.  The decayed or affected portion of the tooth will be removed and then filled with a composite filling. There are many types of filling materials available, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.  You and your

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Selladores Sealants

Un sellador es una capa delgada de un plástico que se aplica a la superficie masticatoria de los molares, premolares y cualquier surco profundo (llamados fosas y fisuras) de los dientes. Más del 75% de la caries dental inician en estos surcos profundos. Los dientes con estas condiciones son difíciles de limpiar y son muy

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